C04 is dedicated to interactions between mass transport and wetting in functionalized mesopores against the background of possible applications in sensor technology and selective separation. The wetting can be gradually adjusted and partly switched by functionalization. The mutual influences of different pore wall functionalizations and functional layer assembly as well as cross influences of analytes on wetting and transport have to be analyzed. Wetting characteristics are investigated together with and A01 in the generic configurations. In collaboration with A02 it is analyzed to which extent the functionalization of mesoporous surfaces can improve nucleate boiling heat transfer. Together with C02 we are working on the modelling of wetting gradients in pores and DOFFI measurements ( B07 ) show the self-lubrication of fluid-filled mesopores. C07
Name | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Annette Andrieu-Brunsen | brunsen@cellulose.tu-... +49 6151 16-23742 L2|05 132 |
| Lisa Balonier M.Sc. | lisa.balonier@tu-... +49 6151 16-25105 L2|04 E5 |
Associated members
Name | Contact | |
| Joanna Mikolei M.Sc. | joanna.mikolei@tu-... +49 6151 16-25129 L2|02 A209 |
Publications and conference contributions
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In: {{ publication.series }}, {{ publication.volume }}, In: {{ publication.book_title }}, In: {{ publication.publication }}, {{ publication.journal_volume}} ({{ publication.number }}), ppp. {{ publication.pagerange }}, {{ publication.place_of_pub }}, {{ publication.publisher }}, {{ publication.institution }}, {{ publication.event_title }}, {{ publication.event_location }}, {{ publication.event_dates }}, ISSN {{ publication.issn }}, e-ISSN {{ publication.eissn }}, ISBN {{ publication.isbn }}, DOI: {{ publication.doi.toString().replace('http://','').replace('https://','').replace('dx.doi.org/','').replace('doi.org/','').replace('doi.org','').replace("DOI: ", "").replace("doi:", "") }}, Official URL, {{ labels[publication.type]?labels[publication.type]:publication.type }}, {{ labels[publication.pub_sequence] }}, {{ labels[publication.doc_status] }} - […]
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Only the {{publicationsList.length}} latest publications are displayed here.