C03 investigates the condensation of water on superamphiphobic surfaces. The production of such surfaces has already been successful. The aim is now to measure condensation rates and heat transfer. For this purpose, a test facility is being set up in which condensate droplets are formed from humid air on cooled samples. The phenomena of droplet formation and movement are analyzed in connection with global parameters such as condensation performance, temperature differences, etc. In addition, the durability of the surfaces must be improved. Biphilic textures are going to be used to enable more efficient condensation while at the same time accelerating the drainage of the condensate.
Name | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Butt | butt@mpip-mainz.mpg.de +49 6131 379-111 |
| Apl. Prof. Dr. Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman | gtatiana@ttd.tu-... +49 6151 16-22264 L2|06 201 |
| Till Pfeiffer M.Sc. | pfeiffer@ttd.tu-... +49 6151 16-22271 L2|06 210 |
Associated members
Name | Contact | |
Picture: MPI
| Dr. Michael Kappl Physics at Interfaces | kappl@mpip-mainz.mpg.de +49(0)6131 379-114 |
Publications and conference contributions
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In: {{ publication.series }}, {{ publication.volume }}, In: {{ publication.book_title }}, In: {{ publication.publication }}, {{ publication.journal_volume}} ({{ publication.number }}), ppp. {{ publication.pagerange }}, {{ publication.place_of_pub }}, {{ publication.publisher }}, {{ publication.institution }}, {{ publication.event_title }}, {{ publication.event_location }}, {{ publication.event_dates }}, ISSN {{ publication.issn }}, e-ISSN {{ publication.eissn }}, ISBN {{ publication.isbn }}, DOI: {{ publication.doi.toString().replace('http://','').replace('https://','').replace('dx.doi.org/','').replace('doi.org/','').replace('doi.org','').replace("DOI: ", "").replace("doi:", "") }}, Official URL, {{ labels[publication.type]?labels[publication.type]:publication.type }}, {{ labels[publication.pub_sequence] }}, {{ labels[publication.doc_status] }} - […]
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