Ostwald Prize for Hans-Jürgen Butt

Work on forces at interfaces and wetting phenomena honoured


Hans-Jürgen Butt from the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Mainz receives the Ostwald Prize 2021 of the Colloid Society for his work on forces at interfaces and wetting phenomena.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Butt

The prize was awarded during the 50th Annual General Meeting of the Colloid Society, which took place from 10-12 May 2021 as a virtual event together with the Bunsentagung 2021 with the theme Multi-Scale Modelling & Physical Chemistry of Colloids.

Hans-Jürgen Butt investigates the structure and dynamics of interfaces. The aim is to better understand the relationship between structural changes, dynamics and the driving forces. The main topics are interfacial forces and wetting, in particular the wetting of superamphiphobic surfaces. His group investigates liquids that are internally structured on different length scales, such as polymer melts, solutions, dispersions or emulsions. The methods used include scanning probe microscopy, confocal microscopy, FIB, microrheology, light and X-ray scattering. New methods are constantly being developed to extend the range of accessible length and time scales.

In the CRC 1194, professor Butt is principal investigator in projects C03 and C07 .