Mathematical modeling and simulation of flows and the interaction with a substrate using energetic variational methods

Talk by Dirk Peschka (Weierstrass Institute Berlin)


On 22 January 2020, Dirk Peschka (Weierstrass Institute Berlin) will give a talk on different modeling approaches to free boundary problems for viscous fluids.

Particular care will be taken when considering the boundary conditions at the solid-fluid interface and the solid-fluid-gas contact line for the corresponding sharp interface models. The resulting mathematical model and its weak formulation are based on a gradient flow and are thereby naturally thermodynamically consistent. Numerical results and comparisons with experiments are presented for both solid and soft substrates.

Mathematical modeling and simulation of flows and the interaction with a substrate using energetic variational methods
Talk by Dirk Peschka (Weierstrass Group Modeling, Analysis, and Scaling Limits for Bulk-Interface Processes)
22 January 2020, 10 a.m.
L2|06 Room 100